The visualizations on this page were created for a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Integrated Emergency Management Course (IEMC) created in collaboration between the University of Rhode Island (URI), the Rhode Island Emergency Management Agency (RIEMA), Department of Homeland Security Office of Infrastructure and Cyber Security (DHS OICS), and other partners (e.g., National Weather Service). The visualizations are based on an all numerical approach to creating hazard impact models that are directly integrated with coupled physical hurricane simulations, as detailed in this paper published in the Journal of Marine Science and Engineering. This approach allows for real-time generation of outputs (e.g., shapefiles / visualizations). Although the visualizations do not depict damages, the models are capable of facility level damage projection using both qualitative and quantitative data. Over the next two years these models will be operationalized for real time forecasts as part of a larger project funded by the Department of Homeland Security Center for Excellence at the University of North Carolina.